
New Haircut

The other day Ly finally bit the bullet and went and chopped off 7 inches of her hair. Well she didn't literally do it, she paid someone else to do it. And that lady was awesome. If you need a hair person in the central virginia area...Ly has just the gal for you.

Anyway she's enjoying her shorter hair and how quickly it takes her to get ready in the morning. Yay for fast blow drying/showering/etc. 


Ashley Jackson said...

You look so cute!! Love the hair cut! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!:)

L.S. said...

It looks great!

I love getting my hair cut. But right now it's still so short that I don't get to do fun haircuts because I want it to get longer! But that's what happens after you cut your hair to like "pixie cut" length!

Enjoy the easy morning routine! And merry christmas!